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Baptism is a sign pointing to the grace of God made known at the cross of Jesus. We believe the Bible teaches that baptism is a covenant sign for believers and their children. We do not think that baptism saves someone but it signifies them as a part of the community of the church, receiving all of the benefits of that community. As an infant, parents bring their child to be baptized in obedience to God, trusting that the child will one day respond to God's promises in faith. As an older child or adult, baptism is for believers who have not previously been baptized but with the same meaning, you being brought into the community of the church.
Infant Baptism
Infant Baptism is a sign of God's covenant and is properly administered to children of believers in their infancy. One parent must be a member of Wildwood Church (completed the membership process, approved and joined the church) in order for you to register your child to be baptized.
Adult Baptism
If you are a teenager or adult desiring to be baptized and haven’t been baptized before, your baptism is part of the membership process at Wildwood. Once you are approved for membership, you will be eligible for baptism. Your baptism will be the last step in the membership process.